Brilliant Learning & Teaching 2024

An International STEAM Educators' Event

Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada



Register for early bird prices!

The Future of Education: A Hands-On Approach to Learning

Join Brilliant Labs for an International hands-on STEAM Educators' retreat in Moncton, NB, Canada from November 17-19, 2024. Learn from top educators and connect with like-minded professionals. Sign up now for three days of fun, networking, and valuable teaching strategies. Don't miss out on this must-attend event!

Photo from the 2023 Brilliant Learning & Teaching Retreat of teachers learning

Open Internationally

November 17th-19th

teachers soldering at the 2023 learning and teaching retreat

Participate in Multiple Workshops

Focusing on both theory and practice, we will co-design quality learning experiences through hands-on, minds-on and hearts-on sessions.

This year’s themes are tailor-made for igniting innovation:

  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Making Learning Whole
  • Creative Computing: coding for societal change
  • Emerging Technologies

Engage Your Students with STEAM Activities

Connect with Renowned Educators

We invite experts from diverse disciplines to provide a meaningful experience for participants that can help them bring a positive change in students lives.

Be inspired by speakers such as Dr. Rébecca Kleinberger, and Roberto Gauvin, and others who will share their pioneering insights.

Discover the program
Jeff Willson speaking at the 2023 learning and teaching retreat


Headshot of Rébecca Kleinberger

Rébecca Kleinberger

Dr. Rébecca Kleinberger is an Assistant Professor and a pioneering Creative Technologist with a focus on Animal-Computer Interactions and Voice Technology & Inner Voice Research. Holding a PhD, her work bridges the gap between humans and animals through innovative technology, enhancing communication across species. Dr. Kleinberger's research into the 'inner voice' is pioneering new realms of human-computer interaction.

Her insights at the retreat will challenge and expand our understanding of educational technology.


Roberto Gauvin

Roberto Gauvin brings his extensive experience as a former school director and educational consultant. His work has earned him accolades, including the "IT Community Hero Award" from Industry Canada.

Roberto’s closing keynote will share practical insights from his career in transforming educational environments and integrating technology in learning.

Headshot of Roberto Gauvin

More speakers to be announced

Register today

2023 Participants Loved It!

Complete Your Learning Experience with our Pre-conference Premium Workshops

teachers soldering at the 2023 learning and teaching retreat

This year Brilliant Labs offers full day and half day workshops on the Saturday November 16th and Sunday November 17th; the same weekend as the retreat!

No matter your level, wether you’re more technical or more artistic, you’ll find the worksphop that suits you needs! At the end of each, you’ll be able to design engaging hands-on activities for your class. Your students will love it!

Have you always wanted to know more about Natural Making or Biomaking to teach innovative sustainable practices to your students?

Are you more into digital activities?

Check out our storystelling through videography or digital fabrication workshops!

Pre-conference Premium Workshops Agenda (Limited Seats)




16 Saturday

17 Sunday

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Full Day Workshops - Part 1

- Natural Making: Integrating Nature with Maker-Centered Learning


- Storyframes: Digital Storytelling through Videography

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


- Biomaking: Sustainable Food Packaging (half day)


- The Art of Computational Textiles and Garment Manufacturing (Full day part 1)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Bring your Own Lunch

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Bring your Own Lunch

1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Full Day Workshops - Part 2

- Natural Making: Integrating Nature with Maker-Centered Learning


- Storyframes: Digital Storytelling through Videography

1:00 PM - 3:30 PM


- Intro to Digital Fabrication and Manufacturing (full day)


- The Art of Computational Textiles and Garment Manufacturing (Full day part 2)

16 Saturday

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Full day Workshops - Part 1

- Natural Making: Integrating Nature with Maker-Centered Learning


- Storyframes: Digital Storytelling through Videography

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Bring your Own Lunch

1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Full Day Workshops - Part 2

- Natural Making: Integrating Nature with Maker-Centered Learning


- Storyframes: Digital Storytelling through Videography

17 Sunday

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM


- Biomaking: Sustainable Food Packaging (half day)


- The Art of Computational Textiles and Garment Manufacturing (Full day part 1)

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Bring your Own Lunch

1:00 PM - 3:30 PM


- Intro to Digital Fabrication and Manufacturing (half day)


- The Art of Computational Textiles and Garment Manufacturing (Full day part 2)

Pre-conference Premium Workshops

Premium Workshops

Natural Making: Integrating Nature with Maker-Centered Learning

Nov 16th | 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM | Full day Workshop

This workshop is designed for educators and creators to discover the potential of natural spaces and materials as dynamic tools for learning. Through hands-on outdoor activities, participants will engage directly with their environment, learning to identify, collect, and utilize resources like wood, leaves, and stones. The focus is on how these elements can be creatively integrated into educational practices, fostering a deep connection between learners and the natural world.

Feature image for the Natural Making pre-conference session
Feature image for the StoryFrames pre-conference session

StoryFrames: Digital Storytelling through Videography

Nov 16th | 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM | Full day Workshop

This workshop offers a hands-on exploration into the world of digital videography and editing tailored for the classroom. You will learn the fundamentals of video production, including capturing high-quality footage, effective storytelling techniques, and the basics of video editing. The workshop provides practical exercises aimed at harnessing video as a compelling tool for learning, reflection and impactful storytelling. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own short video projects, utilizing newly acquired skills to engage and inspire their students.

Premium Workshops

Premium workshops

The Art of Computational Textiles and Garment Manufacturing

Nov 17th | 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM | Full day Workshop

Learn to create fabric designs using computing techniques, then bring those designs to life. Participants will discover the art of designing garments using advanced computing techniques and then actualize their visions through fabrication with a laser cutter. We will explore how computational tools transform fabric design and garment creation. This immersive session not only offers a hands-on experience but also the chance to take home a custom-designed t-shirt utilizing these cutting-edge methods.

Feature image for the Natural Making pre-conference session
Feature image for the Biomaking pre-conference session

Biomaking: Sustainable Food Packaging

Nov 17th | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Half day Workshop

In this workshop, participants will explore ways to tackle the challenge of creating biodegradable food packaging materials with Biomaking, addressing the critical issue of waste in our current world. With inspiration from scientists and designers who are developing incredible alternatives, this session will guide attendees through designing edible water bottles, biodegradable plastic containers, and natural alternatives to food wraps. Join us in reimagining sustainable solutions that can significantly reduce our environmental footprint.

Premium workshops

Premium Workshops

Intro to Digital Fabrication and Manufacturing

Nov 17th | 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Half day Workshop

This workshop delves into the exploration of designing products from scratch with emerging technology. Participants will be guided through the process of creating a functional lamp, employing a blend of essential skills: soldering an electronic PCB board, crafting a pattern using computer-aided design (CAD), fabricating components using advanced machinery, and assembling the final product. We will provide all the necessary materials, ensuring participants can fully engage in each step of the creation process. By the end of the session, you will gain a comprehensive skill set in digital fabrication and leave with your own lamp prototype.

Feature image for the Digital Fabrication pre-conference session

Main Conference Agenda




6:00 PM - 6:45 PM


Step right up and grab your swag bags—your gateway to three days of educational nirvana awaits with a cash bar and a room full of like-minded visionaries.

6:45 PM - 7:00 PM

Welcome by the BL team

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Keynote Address - speaker to be confirmed

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Maker Fun Night with the BL team

Step into the brilliant world of creativity as we embark on an enchanting journey of crafting with one of our favorite materials!


8:45 AM - 9:00 AM

Group Picture

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Welcome to Day 2 of the BL event

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Keynote Address by Rebecca Klienberger

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Nutrition Break

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Learning Workshops with Hands-on Exploration Kits

Join us to explore new hands-on learning tools and practice new skills for the classroom.

*Please note that multiple workshops will run concurrently, so participants should choose one.

  • Robotics Farm: Intro to Hydroponics
  • Design with AI and Machine Learning
  • DIY Biolab
  • Electronics Design and Embedded Programming part 1

12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Lunch/Diner and Networking

1:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Deep Dive Making Workshops

Explore new technologies and learn how to integrate them into the classroom.

*Please note that multiple workshops will run concurrently, so participants should choose one

  • Design collaborative geometric art installation with b.board
  • Inflatable Fashion
  • Cyberville: Designing Cyber-Safe Smart Communities
  • Electronics Design and Embedded Programming part 2

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Coffee and Gallery Showcase Set-up

4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Show and Tell Gallery Showcase

Join us as participants proudly display and share their creations from the earlier workshops and wrap up for day 2.


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Learning Workshops with Hands-on Exploration Kits

Join us to explore new hands-on learning tools and practice new skills for the classroom.

*Please note that multiple workshops will run concurrently, so participants should choose one.

  • Design with AI and Machine Learning
  • Interactive Threads: An E-Textiles Exploration
  • Getting Creative with Robotics
  • Mission Mars: Sustainable Solutions for Interplanetary Exploration

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Nutrition break

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Breakout Sessions

*Please note that multiple workshops will run concurrently, so participants should choose one.

  • Brilliant Blue
  • Hackatoy
  • Mission Mars
  • Felting
  • Designing with Cricut bioplastic

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch/Diner and Networking

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Coffee and Conversation - Certificate Distribution - Mission Mars Contest

Join us for a quick closing ceremony, share exciting announcements for the future, and distribute certificates of participation.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Closing Keynote Address by Roberto Gauvin

Developing a posture of innovation

Over the past 36 years, Roberto Gauvin has had the good fortune to meet a number of people from all over the world to discuss pedagogical innovation. From the “Aux Rendez-vous d'Autrans” in France, to the eLearning Conference in Kenya, to Hong Kong in 2008, where he was named “Microsoft Innovative Teacher”. In August 2011, he took part in the Canadian International Development Agency's (CIDA) international school twinning initiative in Bamako, Mali, and presented the Acadiepédia project at the 15th Sommet de la francophonie in Dakar, Senegal in 2014.

Roberto participated in the development of a Brilliant Labs Makerespace at the Centre d'apprentissage du Haut-Madawaska (CAHM). In 2018, Le CAHM was the first in the world to receive Quasar-level recognition from the International Organization of Conscious Entrepreneurial Community Schools (OIECEC) and Idée Éducation Entrepreneuriale. At the same time, Roberto was also the first recipient of the Prix International Paul Gérin-Lajoie - Entrepreneur d'école. In May 2018, Roberto also received the “Teacher of the Year” award from the Association des enseignants et des enseignantes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (AEFNB). He is currently an education consultant with Édunovis.

*Note: This agenda may be subject to change due to a variety of factors such as changes in employment or emergencies that may no longer allow for a speaker or facilitator to attend.




Super Early Bird Offer


May 1st to June 30th

Early Summer Offer


July 1st to August 31st

General Admission


September 1st to November 12th








Join us as a Volunteer

We are seeking volunteers to ensure the smooth operation and success of the BL Learning and Teaching event. If you're passionate about education and want to enhance your experience at our event, consider volunteering!

Volunteer Responsibilities

As a volunteer, you will assist us during 8-10 hours of in-person work at the event with the following responsibilities:

  • Preparation and Wrap-Up: Assist in the setup and breakdown of sessions and support the facilitation of workshops
  • Documentation: Help capture the key moments and details of the event
  • General Assistance: Provide support across a variety of tasks as needed throughout the event
  • Guidance: Respond to attendee inquiries, provide information and direction, and usher participants to the keynote sessions and their respective breakout sessions
Teacher helping at the 2023 learning and teaching retreat
Teachers talking at the 2023 learning and teaching retreat

Volunteer Benefits

  • Registration Discount: Volunteers receive a 50% discount on registration fees
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with educators and thought leaders from various backgrounds
  • Professional Growth: Gain valuable experience in event management for educational events
  • Volunteer Certificate
  • Volunteer Swag bag with a BL T-shirt

Take advantage of this chance to make a significant impact while benefiting from substantial professional growth and networking opportunities at BL Learning and Teaching.

The deadline to submit your application is September 1st, 2024. We are looking for enthusiastic, committed individuals. We aim to notify all applicants of our decision by September 16, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

This event will be occuring from November 17th-19th 2024 at the Crowne Plaza in Moncton, New Brunswick

We have set up accommodations for you at a special rate :

Downtown Moncton Crowne Plaza

Room rates 169$ CAD per night (plus taxes and fees) Cutoff date for special rate : October 17th, 2024

By providing the group name (Brilliant Labs), individuals will be able to make reservations by calling the hotel directly at (506) 854-6340, or online by booking at the Brilliant Labs Group Rate link

Note: The booking link only works at the special rate for the main conference dates. If you are planning to stay for longer than the main conference days (November 17th-19th) you must call the hotel at (506) 854-6340, make your booking over the phone, and mention the group name (brilliant labs) in order to get the special rate.

Main conference registration for this event costs 550$ CAD at the current Super Early Bird pricing (ends June 30th).

Included in the event cost:

  • Registration
  • Project materials to use and take home
  • Opening ceremony

Are you an Atlantic Canadian teacher? Reach out to to see how we can help you.

We do not provide an official Letter of invitation for the visa. However, we can send a visa support letter to registered international participants. Once you register, please send a visa support letter request to, with registration confirmation, and we will follow up.

We understand that circumstances may arise which require attendees to cancel their registration for the conference. We have established the following refund policy to address such situations:

1. Refund Amounts:

  • Cancellations made at least four weeks before the conference start date (Before October 20th, 2024) will be eligible for a full refund of the registration fee, minus a 30 CAD processing fee.
  • Cancellations made between four weeks and two weeks prior to the conference start date, a 50% refund of the registration fee will be provided. (Before November 3rd, 2024)
  • Cancellations made less than two weeks prior to the conference start date will not be eligible for a refund.

2. Refund Process:

  • To request a refund, please submit a written cancellation notice to our conference team via email. The notice should include your full name, contact information, and the reason for cancellation.
  • The refund will be issued using the same method of payment originally used for registration. Please allow a reasonable processing time for the refund to be completed.

3. Transfer of Registations:

  • If you are unable to attend the conference but would like to transfer your registration to another person, please notify us in writing. The transfer request should include the full name and contact information of the substitute attendee.
  • Transfers can be made up to one week prior to the conference start date, subject to approval by our conference team.

Please note that any applicable transaction fees or charges associated with the refund process will be deducted from the refund amount

Anyone! This opportunity is especially beneficial for those who want to expand their networks and gain unique insights into the field of education. Volunteers will not only contribute to the retreat’s success but also have the chance to engage deeply with the content and speakers.

To apply, please complete the online application form available here:

The deadline for the submission of your application is September 1st, 2024. This deadline ensures that we have enough time to review all applications thoroughly.

We are looking for enthusiastic, committed individuals. We aim to notify all applicants of our decision by September 16, 2024.


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