Countdown To 2025 New Brunswick Innovation Fair

Making A Difference Speaker Series

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Making A Difference Speakers: 2023-2024

Brilliant Labs Making a Difference Speaker Series: Beauty Technology: Innovating the Future of Computing Wearables

Imagine a world where cosmetics do far more than enhance your features—they become a dynamic interface for interacting with the digital world around you. This isn't a scene from a sci-fi movie; it's the real work of visionary scientist Katia Vega, who founded the groundbreaking field of 'Beauty Technology.'

In this session, we will uncover how Vega's innovations allow us to combine makeup with electronic sensors, transforming everyday beauty products into extraordinary interactive devices. Discover conductive makeup that lets you control gadgets with a voluntary blink, tech nails that double as subway passes with a touch, and hair extensions that change tunes with a simple stroke.

But that's not all. We'll also explore the science of smart materials, electronics, and the magic of machine learning. Find out how these projects are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, making technology personal, seamless, and, yes, beautiful.

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Speakers Biography:

Katia Vega is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Design at the University of California, Davis, where she founded and directs the Interactive Organisms Lab. Her research leads new explorations of organisms-device symbiosis. She was a Postdoc Associate at MIT Media Lab (USA). She got her PhD and master’s degree in computer science at PUC-Rio (Brazil). She was a researcher in the Fine Arts Department at HKBU (Hong Kong). Her undergraduate studies were done in Computer Science at UNMSM (Peru). She publishes at top-tier computer science conferences and journals including CHI, TEI, DIS, IUI and IEEE Computer. Her work has been featured by BBC, New Scientist, Wired, Discovery, CNN, and awarded by SXSW, Ars Electronica, Ubimedia Competition, among others. Springer published her book: “Beauty Technology: Designing Seamless Interfaces for Wearable Computing”.

If you have any questions about the Making a Difference BL Speaker Series, please contact

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Brilliant Labs is committed to empowering youth, adults and families to fuel their passions, take creative risks and construct a sustainable future for themselves and their communities. We explore fun ways to introduce novel technologies to catalyze positive social and ecological change within communities.

If you have questions about this speaker series or would like to propose a topic or guest speaker, please connect with us!

Talk with us

JOIN HOST Alisha Collins as she welcomes global speakers from diverse backgrounds to spark conversations on technological innovation, humanity-centred design, ethics, creativity, and leadership. We host talks each month, inviting experts to bring new aspirations and perspectives through their stories.

ABOUT Alisha grew up in India & studied at MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA U.S. and Sristi Institute of Art Design and Technology, Bengalura, India. Learn more about Alisha in Brilliant Labs Magazine: Digital Hope.

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